Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Investment in Agriculture – An Idea!

"Could agricultural investment be the key to Fiji's economic growth? Discover how a government-led farming initiative could generate revenue, create jobs, and enhance our global presence.

Investment in Agriculture – An Idea!

"Could agricultural investment be the key to Fiji's economic growth? Discover how a government-led farming initiative could generate revenue, create jobs, and enhance our global presence.

Capacity Building Training On Proposal Development In The Pacific

Are you a Pacific civil society organisation that wants to mobilise resources and access funding/finance for your projects and initiatives?

The Road to Pacific Sustainability: Balancing Aid and Self-Sufficiency

Exploring the balance between aid dependency and the journey towards self-sustainability for Pacific nations, this article delves into the challenges, opportunities, and the path forward for these island economies. Discover how strategic investments, skills development, and environmental resilience can pave the way for a more self-reliant Pacific.

Outsourcing vs. Local Talent: The Dilemma of Fiji’s Software Development Industry

Discover how Fiji's software development industry can thrive by investing in local talent and reducing reliance on international outsourcing.

Bridging Islands with Bytes: The Digital Leap in Pacific Island Education

Explore the transformative journey of education in the Pacific as digital connectivity bridges the vast blue, bringing innovative learning and cultural preservation to the forefront. Discover how technology is not just a tool but a bridge to a brighter, more connected future for Pacific island students.

Climate Grants Program

Submit concept notes for up to $100,000 USD in funding through the U.S. Department of State's Climate Grants program.

Capacity Building Training On Proposal Development In The Pacific

Are you a Pacific civil society organisation that wants to mobilise resources and access funding/finance for your projects and initiatives?

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship

This 10-month fellowship consists of academic coursework and an internship in a relevant professional organization. Fields of study...