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Calling all youth climate advocates from the Pacific to apply to be a Youth Delegate at COP29, Azerbaijan. 

People Break in Different Ways: The Power of Perspective

Life's challenges shape us in different ways. What empowers one person might break another. Discover how perspective and resilience can turn adversity into strength.

Investment in Agriculture – An Idea!

"Could agricultural investment be the key to Fiji's economic growth? Discover how a government-led farming initiative could generate revenue, create jobs, and enhance our global presence.

Breaking the Silence: Addressing Mental Health and Depression Among Men in the Pacific

Mental health and depression are pervasive issues that affect individuals across the globe, yet in the Pacific region, these problems are often shrouded in silence, particularly among men.

Life’s Changing Tides

People grow up, and sometimes they grow apart,Different experiences,...

Capacity Building Training On Proposal Development In The Pacific

Are you a Pacific civil society organisation that wants to mobilise resources and access funding/finance for your projects and initiatives?

Navigating the Brain Drain: Migration Trends in the Pacific

Migration is an integral part of the Pacific narrative, with many skilled workers leaving their home countries in search of better opportunities abroad.


The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat is putting out (free of charge) courses to help members and stakeholders in the region better understand various resilience topics.

The Road to Pacific Sustainability: Balancing Aid and Self-Sufficiency

Exploring the balance between aid dependency and the journey towards self-sustainability for Pacific nations, this article delves into the challenges, opportunities, and the path forward for these island economies. Discover how strategic investments, skills development, and environmental resilience can pave the way for a more self-reliant Pacific.

Fleeting Light in a Broken World

In a broken world, where shadows loom, Wander broken people, hearts in gloom. Their dreams like fragments, scattered...

Outsourcing vs. Local Talent: The Dilemma of Fiji’s Software Development Industry

Discover how Fiji's software development industry can thrive by investing in local talent and reducing reliance on international outsourcing.

The Library

SilenceOnly pages flippingThe library is hugeSo many booksSo many...